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The online forum is an opportunity to discuss and share thoughts on subjects that matter to you. To request a topic, please contact caringcommunities@allwalesforum.org.uk.
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- Keep messages and posts positive
- Strike up meaningful conversations about the discussion topics
- Encourage others to take part in conversations
- Have fun and learn from discussion topics
- Do not include any personal information in your username
- Do not post any personal information on the forum
- Do not submit any unlawful, harassing or abusive comments
- Do not swear of use language that could offend
- Do not spam or flood the forum
- Keep your comments relevant to the discussion topic
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If comments do not meet forum guidelines, an email will be sent to the participants with a reference to forum terms and conditions.
If users continue to submit posts that do not meet forum terms and conditions, they will be removed as a user from the forum.